Sunday, 15 February 2009

Sensor Resources

Unfortunately, sensors tend to be a bit more expensive in England than other places, but they are at least quite easy to get.
One very comprehensive website is: Active Robots
It is the easiest to utilize when you are trying out new sensors as you can get them quite quickly.

The website doesn't link to specific products, but i can give you the page/model numbers.

Here are a few to get you started, but if you are looking for something in particular, just post it.

Distance Sensors: gives the distance to an object within a set range.


Sharp GP2D12 - measures between 10 - 80 cm £9.99
Sharp GP2D120 - measures between 4 -30 cm £9.99

Touch / Bending / Force

These sensors either measure the amount of bending or the position of your finger (or an object) along a strip or the amount of force being applied to it.


Flex Sensor 4.5" £8.81
measure the amount of bend on the sensor.

Force Sensor: measures the amount of pressure applied to the end

linear potentiometer - returns the position along its length
£8.87 - £17.63 depending on length

rotary potentiometer - measures position around the circle (basically an IPOD touch wheel) £10.05

LINE TRACKER - reads the darkness/lightness of the colour below it to tell you which side of a line you are on. Can be used to input drawings as control mechnisms. LINK

Single Line Detector - £11.00

Triple Line Detector - £18.50

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