Tuesday 10 February 2009

Security Setup for browser

Hi everyone, below are the steps to take to set up your browser to feed maya the data. Sorry I didn't get it all sorted last time, but the way firefox 3.0 handles it is a bit different.

The basic steps are:

1. Open Maya
2. Ensure that you have the browser plugin installed for firefox:
Look in C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/plugins

there should be a plugin in this folder called:

If not copy to the folder from:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\ExternalWebBrowser\Windows
then close firefox and reopen it.

3. Open the webpage from THIS LINK

This will bring up a "Maya Security Dialog" Box

A "polySphere" should be created in Maya

Sometimes (especially if you are on Vista) you will get the error:
mel is not a registered protocol

If you have this problem, don't worry, it can be sorted through the registry. (ie. we'll fix it in class)

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